Université libre de bruxelles
Université libre de Bruxelles, UHMob Coordinator, is one of the largest universities in Belgium, with a student population of 24,000 and about 1,800 PhDs in progress. Founded in 1834, ULB has a long tradition of excellence in Research with four scientific Nobel Prizes, one Fields Medal, three Wolf Prizes and two Marie Curie Excellence Awards. ULB has considerable experience with European funding programmes and is an active participant in the 7th European Framework Programme. Up to now, ULB has hosted 18 FP7 individual Marie Curie fellows, 11 ERC Starting, 4 Consolidators and 6 Advanced Grantees. ULB has also coordinated 1 ITN and contributed to 13 ITNs. ULB ensures that UHMob project will receive all necessary administrative, legal & financial support and adequate space and facilities for its implementation.
Yves Geerts – Supervisor ESR1 & ESR2
Yves Geerts is full professor and head of the Laboratory of Polymer Chemistry since 1999. His research activities deal with the design, synthesis, and characterization of molecular semiconductors, including crystallization and polymorphism aspects. He is author or co-author of ~ 154 papers that have received ~ 10 000 citations (Google Scholar). He has supervised 39 (6) postdocs, 12 (2) PhD and 36 (4) master students (of which currently). He will act as coordinator and devote 10% of his time to this duty. In addition, the supervision of 2 ESRs will require 20% of his time.”

University of Mons
The University of Mons (UMons) is a dynamic university of the French-speaking community of Belgium, counting ~700 researchers and 8000 students, committed to high-level research at the international level. Within the University of Mons, the Laboratory for Chemistry of Novel Materials is a founding member of the Center for Innovation and Research in MAterials and Polymers (CIRMAP). The activities of CIRMAP comprise the modelling, the controlled synthesis, the characterization (structural, morphological and physico-chemical properties), the thin film patterning, and finally the processing of organic and polymer-based materials. The research staff of CIRMAP is around 150. The Laboratory for Chemistry of Novel Materials is also a founding member of the Materia Nova Research Center established in Mons in 2000. The major goal of Materia Nova is to extend the research activities of its academic affiliates towards industrial applications. This implies intense collaborations with local and international companies in the fields of chemistry, materials, and energy. About 70 researchers are currently active at Materia Nova.
Jérôme Cornil – Supervisor ESR3
Jérôme Cornil is a Research Director of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS) since 2012. His research activities deal with the theoretical characterization of the structural and electronic properties of organic semiconductors in bulk or at the interfaces with oxides, metals, or another organic layer. He is author or co-author of ~ 305 papers that have received ~ 16750 citations (Web of Science). He has supervised 20 (5) postdocs, 15 (3) PhD and 17 (2) master students (of which currently). He will act as work package leader and devote 10% of his time to this duty.

David Beljonne – Supervisor ESR4
David Beljonne is also a Research Director of FNRS. Over the years, he has developed a multiscale framework to the modelling of opto-electronic processes in organic materials that combines classical methods, quantum-chemical/solid-state physics approaches and model Hamiltonians. He has published ~340 peer-reviewed papers for a total number of citations of ~17285 (Web of Science). He has supervised ~25 (8) postdocs and 15 (5) PhD students (of which currently). He will devote 5% of his time to the project.

university of cambridge
The University of Cambridge was founded in 1209 and is a collegiate research university in Cambridge, England. UCAM is formed from a variety of institutions which include 31 constituent colleges and over 100 academic departments organised into six schools. Students’ learning involves lectures and laboratory sessions organised by departments, and supervisions provided by the colleges. Cambridge is regularly placed among the world’s best universities in different university rankings. Cambridge has many notable alumni, including several eminent mathematicians, scientists, politicians, and >100 Nobel laureates who have been affiliated with it. www.cam.ac.uk The Optoelectronics Group of the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge is one of the leading international groups working on the materials and device physics of low-temperature processible, molecular semiconductors and conjugated polymers and hybrid organic-inorganic heterostructures between such organic semiconductors and inorganic semiconductors, such as nanoparticles, metal oxides and metal halide perovskites. The research is focussed on discovering and understanding novel fundamental physical phenomena that are unique to these materials and could form the basis for new device concepts and more sustainable optoelectronic technologies. It also has close relationships with industrial partners; the group has spun-off three technology companies in the field of organic semiconductors, Cambridge Display Technology (polymer LEDs), Eight 19 (organic solar cells) and Plastic Logic/FlexEnable (OFETs).
Henning Sirringhaus – Supervisor ESR5
Henning Sirringhaus is the Hitachi Professor of Electron Device Physics and Fellow of the Royal Society. His research interests are on the charge transport, photo-, spin and device physics of polymer and molecular organic semiconductors. He has been awarded the Mullard Award and the Hughes Medal of the Royal Society and has received the Faraday Medal of the Institute of Physic. He is also an MRS Fellow. He is co-founder of the spin-off companies, Plastic Logic/FlexEnable and Eight-19 Ltd, commercializing organic transistor and organic solar cell technology, respectively. He has supervised more than 40 PhD students in his group at the Cavendish Laboratory since 1997. Prof. Sirringhaus will be responsible for supervising ESR5 and for coordinating the research placements of the other ESRs in Cambridge. He will ensure that the visiting researchers have full access to all experimental facilities and research expertise in the Cavendish, including research facilities for time-resolved optical spectroscopy in the groups of Profs. Friend and Greenham. Prof. Sirringhaus will dedicate 0.1 FTE to the project.

univeRSITY of strasbourg
UNISTRA is one of France’s leading universities, with over 50,800 students (including ca. 20 % international students) and over 2,645 teachers-researchers. It is a laureate of the French Excellence Initiative (IdEx) – obtained in 2010 and permanently confirmed in 2016 – and it is a member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). As a leading European centre for training and research, UNISTRA has developed a strong French-German cooperation and is now a privileged partner among the Upper-Rhine universities. UNISTRA also offers access to 25 modern languages, multinational diplomas, jointly supervised doctorates, upholding renowned international postgraduate schools and student exchange agreements. The scale of research activity at UNISTRA is substantial, involving a European Doctoral College and its 10 doctoral schools and 71 research units. In July 2017, UNISTRA was awarded the “HR Excellence in Research” certification by the European Commission in recognition of its efforts to generate and implement the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). UNISTRA ranks first among European universities in the Nature Index 2017 Innovation. Website: www.unistra.fr
The Institut de Science et d’Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) is a top research institute of UNISTRA, operating in English. Founded by Prof. J.-M. Lehn, ISIS is composed of both academic and private labs, thereby offering an ideal playground for ToK from academia to industry and intersectoral environment for training and research. Presently, three Nobel Prize (J.-M. Lehn, 1987; M. Karplus, 2013; J.-P. Sauvage, 2016) and one Kavli Prize (T.W. Ebbesen, 2014) laureates are performing their research at ISIS. ISIS is a joint research unit (UMR 7006) of the CNRS and UNISTRA. Website: isis.unistra.fr
Thomas Ebbesen – Supervisor ESR6
Prof. Thomas Ebbesen is Distinguished Professor and currently the director of both the University of Strasbourg Institute for Advanced Study (www.usias.fr) and the International Center for Frontier Research in Chemistry (www.icfrc.fr). His research activity is currently centered on the physical chemistry of light–matter interactions and in particular the consequences of the formation of hybrid light–matter states on material properties. He has supervised many students and postdocs, and currently his group has 4 PhD students and 6 postdocs. He will devote 5% of his time to supervise ESR6. Website: nano.isis.unistra.fr

Paolo Samori – Supervisor ESR7
Prof. Paolo Samorì is Distinguished Professor, Director of ISIS and Director of the Nanochemistry Laboratory. His research activity is focused on the architecture vs. function relationship in graphene- and organic-based multicomponent thus multifunctional materials. His research endeavour relies on the combination of approaches that include supramolecular chemistry, hierarchical self-assembly, nanochemistry/nanophysics of surfaces and interfaces, functional materials and fabrication of nanodevices based on supramolecular architectures. He has supervised 35 PhD students and 51 postdocs and is presently supervising 10 PhD students and 12 postdocs. He will devote 5% of his time to supervise ESR7. Website: www.nanochemistry.fr

Graz University of Technology
TU Graz was founded in 1811. The > 11 000 students have a choice of 17 bachelor and 33 master programs. The doctoral programs are offered for postgraduate students. Currently, the number of PhD students is about 300. Nobel prize winner in Chemistry. 41 EU projects show the international reputation of the performed research and work on technical development. TU Graz is outstanding in cooperation with industry, 11 competence centres and 8 Christian-Doppler laboratories are the basis of these co-operations. A large number of high technology companies (several in the field of semiconductor technology) are located in the vicinity of the city Graz. www.tugraz.at
Roland Resel – Supervisor ESR8
Roland Resel is professor of physics. For the last 20 years, he has contributed to the field of organic semiconductors mainly on the structural characterisation of thin films which are used in organic electronic devices. Thin films of molecular crystals, thermotropic and lyotropic liquid crystals, polymers as well as of self-assembled monolayers are investigated to solve crystal structures, characterise the epitaxial order and to relate the crystallographic real structure to the thin film morphology. Especially the formation of monolayers is studied in-situ as well as ex-situ by x-ray scattering methods to reveal the formation organic layers. The goal of the research work is to identify the basic mechanisms which determine the order of the molecules at interfaces.
During the last years 9 PhD students and 21 Master students were supervised, currently 5 PhD students and 2 Master students are under supervision. Involvement into the project will be 10% of the full-time employment.ngs.

Humboldt Universitât zu Berlin
In 1810, Wilhelm von Humboldt’s vision of a new type of university became reality in the form of Berlin University. It was the first to introduce the unity of research and teaching, to uphold the ideal of research without restrictions and to provide a comprehensive education for its students. These principles soon became general practice throughout the world. After World War II the university, located in East-Berlin, was renamed “Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin” (www.hu-berlin.de), and kept this name also after the German reunification in 1989. As one of eleven German universities, Humboldt-Universität was chosen “University of Excellence” in 2012 within the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments, for its future concept “Educating Enquiring Minds: Individuality – Openness – Guidance”. Repeatedly, Humboldt-Universität ranks amongst the top ten of German universities and looks back at over 25 Nobel Laureates having been member of the university. Today, over 34.000 undergraduate and over 5.000 doctoral students are enrolled. UBER is routinely involved in European projects, e.g., with overall 80 projects in FP7 and H2020, and participation in 20 Marie Curie networks.
Norbert Koch – Supervisor ESR9
Norbert Koch is full professor of physics in the Department of Physics of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since 2009. He is a renowned expert for the electronic structure of organic semiconductors and their interfaces in electronic devices. He has (co-) authored over 260 publications that have received over 13000 citations and has coordinated the FP7-NMP project “HYMEC”. Overall, he has supervised over 30 students, 16 of them doctoral students. At present, his group comprises 8 doctoral and 3 undergraduate students, as well as 7 Postdocs. The supervision and training of the ESR within this project will require 10% of his time.

Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research
The Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) is part of MPG. It ranks among the top research centres worldwide. MPI-P is located in Mainz and was founded in 1983, with a current workforce of 522 employees, including 83 senior scientists and directors, 64 postdocs, 194 doctoral students and 35 Masters students. The focus on so-called soft materials and macro-molecular materials has resulted in the worldwide unique position. MPI-P offers ideal conditions for conducting outstanding research. The institute combines a unique range of expertise – from the creative design and synthesis of new materials, their physical characterization, theoretical understanding, to the implementation in devices. www.mpip-mainz.mpg.de/home/en
Mischa Bonn – Supervisor ESR10
Mischa Bonn is one of six directors of the MPI-P. He leads the Molecular Spectroscopy Department that aims to achieve a molecular understanding of materials with relevance in energy and life sciences, by characterizing the structure and dynamics of material systems on the molecular to nanometre scale, in the bulk, but also specifically at interfaces. The obtained results provide fundamental insights, yet also routes to the improvement of technologies and/or the development of new ones. Research in the Department builds on question-driven development and implementation of novel spectroscopies. Mischa has been awarded several prizes, including the Gold Medal from the Royal Dutch Chemical Society (2009) and the Van’t Hoff Prize of the Bunsengesellschaft (2019). He has successfully supervised 25 PhD students, four of whom now hold professorships. Mischa will spend 10% of his time to supervise one ESR.

Ellen Backus – Supervisor ESR11
Ellen Backus (PhD 2005) works as an independent group leader in the department of M. Bonn. In 2013 she was awarded an ERC starting grant for the project “Fundamentals of photocatalytic splitting of water”. In 2014, she was appointed to the Minerva Program of the Max Planck Gesellschaft, and she is the 2018 recipient of the Nernst-Haber-Bodenstein Prize. Her research focuses on studying the structure and dynamics of water at interfaces using (multidimensional) sum-frequency generation spectroscopy. She has supervised 6 postdocs, 8 PhD and 2 bachelor students. Ellen will spend 10 % of her time to supervise one ESR.

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) is the largest public multidisciplinary research organisation in Spain. This Institution has 116 Institutes or Centers distributed throughout Spain, including the Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona (ICMAB) which is located in the Autonoma University of Barcelona Campus. CSIC has an outstanding international recognition for research and also has an intense activity on ToK from academia to industry with granted and licensed patents, industrial projects and spin-off companies (http://CSIC.es/). At present about 220 people are working at ICMAB, with 57 scientists as permanent staff. The initial and ongoing mission of the ICMAB is “to generate new knowledge in Materials Science and transfer it to the society, particularly to industry within the European Research Area “. ICMAB is integrated in the Barcelona Nanocluster at Bellaterra (BNC-b), a virtual network of research centres integrated in the Research Park of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (PRUAB). Also, ICMAB participates very actively in European projects and currently hosts 6 ERC projects. Recently, ICMAB has been recognized as Centre of Excellence Research with the distinction of Severo Ochoa.
The Nanomol group of CSIC, which is the one participating in the project has an excellent trajectory on molecular functional materials (http://www.CSIC.es/nanomol/) and besides an outstanding experience on research has an intense activity on ToK from academia to industry (20 granted patents, 9 licensed, and 30 industrial projects) and industrial innovation and entrepreneurship with a spin-off company created.
Marta Mas-Torrent – Supervisor ESR12
Marta Mas-Torrent (PhD 2002) is a Research Scientist at CSIC (10%) and leader of the research line of organic electronic devices of Nanomol (with 12 postdocs/PhDs). Her expertise includes molecular electronics, processing of materials for OFETs and OFETs characterization, surface functionalisation, and electrochemical switches. She has supervised 6 PhDs and currently she is supervising 6 PhDs more. Also, she supervised 10 Postdocs and 6 masters. She published ca. 100 publications which have received more than 2800 citations (H=26). She has also been appointed leader of the Molecular Electronics Research Line from the Severo Ochoa project of Excellence of her Institution.

PCL is a young dynamic company that has established itself as a leader in research and characterization of solid-state compounds, especially in the pharmaceutical sector. We have developed a university background into a business venture; blending academic know-how with business-like agility and flexibility. By working closely with the academic world, we are able to apply an innovative and avant-garde approach to the solving of scientific, commercial and patenting problems. Our extensive experience in the characterization of solid-state compounds and the study of polymorphism has led to the development of specific and flexible research protocols. These can be adapted to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry. PCL has been founded in 2005 born out of the Molecular Crystalline Engineering (MCE) group of research coordinated by Professor Dario Braga in the Department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician” of the University of Bologna. The MCE group has been working for many years in the field of crystal polymorphism and is one of the most specialized in Italy. In decades of collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry, the MCE group has developed its own techniques to induce and check the formation of polymorphic or solvate (generally hydrated) crystal forms. In 2007 PCL moved its activities out of the Department of Chemistry, transferring its university know-how into a dedicated site in the suburbs of Bologna. In September 2009 PCL moved premises into larger custom-built laboratories and offices in Medicina and is operating in compliance with international GMP standards: the authorization is granted on chemical/physics analyses for qualitative and quantitative determination of active ingredients, intermediates and finished products.
Enrico Modena – Supervisor ESR13 & ESR14
Enrico Modena is currently R&D Manager at Polycrystalline Spa. He’s in charge for the coordination the activities related to the study of APIs’ polymorphism, phase stability investigation, salts/co-crystals screening, and optimization of crystallization procedures oriented to the industrial transfer. Another area of interest is the development of analytical methods for solid forms identification and quantification. In 2012, he spent one year as postdoctoral fellow at the Dept. of Biochemistry at University of Bologna working on the characterization by IR and Raman spectroscopy of APIs, bioceramics, and biopolymers. In 2010, he has been visiting researcher at the University of Montpellier for a project concerning the spectroscopic investigation of the interactions between biopolymers and proteins. Enrico obtained a Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences and a M.Sc. in Photochemistry and Material Chemistry at University of Bologna. He graduated as B.Sc. in Chemical Science and Technology at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

LUCIa maini – CO-Supervisor ESR13 & 14
Lucia Maini is professor of Chemistry since 2014 and she is part of the Molecular Crystal Engineering Group. Her research activities deal with the design, synthesis, and characterization of luminescent coordination polymer based on Copper and Silver alogenide. She has also a long experience in polymorphs of APIs and co-crystals and their Characterization. She is Vice Chair of the Cost Action 18112: “Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry”. She is author or co-author of ~ 96 papers. She has supervised 1 postdocs, 3 PhD and 5 master students. She will act as co-superviser of 2 ESRs which will require 10% of her time.
At BASF, we create chemistry for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. The approximately 122,000 employees in the BASF Group work on contributing to the success of our customers in nearly all sectors and almost every country in the world. Our portfolio is organized into six segments: Chemicals, Materials, Industrial Solutions, Surface Technologies, Nutrition & Care and Agricultural Solutions. BASF generated sales of around €63 billion in 2018. Further information at www.basf.com.
Effective and efficient research and development is a prerequisite for innovation as well as an important growth engine for BASF. We develop innovative processes, technologies and products for a sustainable future and drive forward digitalization in research worldwide. This is how we ensure our long-term business success with chemistry-based solutions for our customers in almost all sectors of industry. Our innovative strength is based on a global team of highly qualified employees with various specializations. At BASF, more than 11,000 employees are working worldwide in research and development at approximately 70 locations.
BASF SE has substantial experience in publicly funded research and currently participates in more than 50 cooperation projects with funding coming from either the Federal Republic of Germany or European Union.
Peter Erk – Supervisor ESR15
Peter Erk has obtained his Ph.D.at Würzburg university, on Organic Conductors in 1989. Currently he is head of optoelectronic systems research at BASF leading an interdisciplinary project team working on the development of advanced materials and devices for electronic and opto-electronic applications. He is author and co-author of more than 80 scientific papers, book chapters and contributed to more than 50 patents.